Wild Woman by Katrina Sesum – The Great Horned Goat

The WildSelf is a true aspect of our being, one which has been shunned, ignored, blamed and repressed for too long.

The WildSelf is a poetic, mythic name for what others have called : the embodied mind, the gut-brain, the subconscious or the instinctive-intuitive self. It is very real and accessed through sensation and feeling. It is our life-force, our eros, our body-wisdom. It is a source of magick, and of art.

We feel it in those present moments of full connection and immersion in life. Without it we are lost in mental prisons, technological distractions, or numbness and lethargy.


What is the Rebellion?

The Wild Self Rebellion is dedicated to liberation of the Wild Self in all of us. But more than that, my intent is to build community, run events and offer inspiration and support, providing a passage of transformation for those who dare to craft a life that is Wild, Magick and True.

The Rebellion is a Place –

Where you can identify, find validation and community for your Wild Self. Come and talk to me or attend an in-person or online event.

The Rebellion is A Process – 

Requiring both inner and outer transformation, I can support you in connecting to, reclaiming and finding positive expression for your Wild Self, in a manner that nurtures the rest of your life.

The Rebellion is Evolving

Founded by one Wild Fox Lady in British Columbia, this Rebellion is in early stages. She welcomes contact, communication and sharing of inspiration. The first stage of this site will be accruing of writing, story, art and drawing together wonderful people and resources.

This represents the truest expression of my love and longing, to see more beautiful wild creature-people reclaiming and dancing full and free. This website is just the beginning.

I am actively seeking Artists, Storytellers, Wild Rebels and Catalysts who resonate with this concept : I’d love to hear from you! Get in touch